How To Create A Budget Using TSL
The new year has just begun, and if you haven’t put together your budget quite yet, it’s time to get started.
If you aren’t sure where or how to begin, there is an approach that works well with many of my clients that can
work for you as well. It’s called the TSL approach: Taxes, Savings Life. The goal is to strive for the following
percentage breakdown of every dollar you earn:
Taxes = 30% to the fed and state
Taxes take a big bite out of all our paychecks and it’s critical not to overlook them when you’re planning your budget.
Be sure that you know how much you really pay in taxes, and this includes all of your taxes: federal and state income
taxes, FICA, Medicare, capital gains, property, and sales tax.
Savings = 20% to a 401(k) plan or to pay down debt
Allocating 20% of your income towards savings is a significant number, but if you take into consideration the
many tax-advantaged ways to save such as a 401(k), 403(b), 457 or a SEP IRA, you can get there a lot of faster than you think
If saving 20% seems overwhelming, just start somewhere and work up to it. You will get there sooner than you think.
Life = 50% for food, housing, fun and everything else
The remaining 50% of your income that is left (this number may need to be adjusted based on your personal tax situation)
is truly the money that can be used for discretionary spending. As long as you’re using TSL correctly, it doesn’t matter exactly
you use this money. But, if you want to make the most of this money, I suggest using it towards a life of building core pursuits,
or as I like to call them, "hobbies on steroids." A study that I conducted last year revealed that the more hobbies people have
, the happier they are in life and in retirement. So, be sure to spend a chunk of your discretionary money on hobbies that will
keep you engaged for many years to come.
TSL guidelines remove the guilt
One of the reasons I like the TSL guidelines is because they take away the guilt factor. As long as you are hitting your
numbers, you no longer have to worry about what society deems wasteful. If you are within your budget, and an Iced
Vanilla Buttercup Triple Mocha Latte makes you happy- you have a green light to buy it and enjoy it! Since you are being
pound-wise, you can afford to be penny-foolish. You can spend your pennies on whatever you want, as long as you get the big things right.
Simple TSL worksheet
Fundamentally sound spending and savings habits- TSL- can make you the master of your choices. Use my TSL guidelines
and don’t get greedy. Trust that, if you plan well and save judiciously, that you will have enough to provide for an early and happy
retirement. Take the first step today with the simple worksheet below. First, tabulate your monthly income, including every single dollar you earn:
Salary =
Wages =
Tips =
Rental Income =
Trust Fund Income =
Under-the-Table Income =
Miscellaneous =
Total income = ____________
Now, apply the following formula:
Total income X 30% = ____________ in Taxes
Total income x 20% = ____________ in Savings
Total income x 50% = ____________ for Life
The TSL approach is a guilt-free way to spend your discretionary dollars after you have paid your taxes and
put money into your savings. If you already have several working years under your belt and haven't applied
this formula yet, then there’s no time like the present.
Follow Wes on Twitter, Facebook and at Wesmoss.com
For valuable financial tools and information on how to set yourself up for a happy retirement, check these out:
Social Security Optimizer, Retirement Calculator, 401k Allocator, Money & Happiness Quiz, Is It Time For An Economic
Shutdown? and You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think
Disclosure: This information is provided to you as a resource for informational purposes only. It is being presented
without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance or financial circumstances of any specific investor and
might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investing involves risk including
the possible loss of principal. This information is not intended to, and should not, form a primary basis for any investment
decision that you may make. Always consult your own legal, tax or investment advisor before making any
investment/tax/estate/financial planning considerations or decisions.
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